What is The Best time to Send Marketing Emails?

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Summer Updated: June 01, 2023
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Now it’s getting challenging to grab the attention of customers who have tens of promotional emails daily. Therefore, the success of email marketing will depend on not only what you send but also when you send your emails.

As an online marketer, you will want to invest valuable time and resources in leveraging email marketing. The direct mail cost is also an important part that a marketer would want to figure outIn this post, we’ll help you answer the question What is the appropriate time to send marketing emails? Therefore, you can enhance your internet marketing and grow your business efficiently.

Table of contents

Why is Email Marketing Essential for Your Business?

1. More efficient than social media (for customer acquisition)

Customer acquisition
Customer acquisition

Please don’t misunderstand us. Social media is a greatly significant component in any business’s marketing campaign. Social media is an incredible channel for communicating with your audience and deepening your relationships with them. Therefore, it is an inevitable step towards approaching your goal - the conversion.

However, when it refers to turning visitors into consumers, members, or supporters, email marketing is what you should go for.

According to a Content Marketing Institute study, more than 30% of B2B marketers claim email newsletters are the most effective way to attract potential customers.

2. Cost-effective


No matter what new tools or strategies emerge in the following years in the digital marketing field, there is one thing remaining unchanged. Companies have to look for tactics that enable them to optimize their marketing budget while reaching their ultimate goals. Email marketing stays among the cheapest digital marketing channels that you can leverage to target your audience.

Whereas traditional marketing tactics such as print ads, TV, or direct mail can be comparatively pricey with all the fees involved, email marketing requires a little budget. Depending on your in-house team, you might need people to build email content. Most businesses also invest in utilizing email marketing automation services, which make email marketing less time-consuming. However, these costs are relatively lower than spending on print and email marketing materials to prospects and consumers.

Moreover, email marketing also brings in a high ROI (return on investment). According to emailmonday, each $1 you invested in email marketing usually drives $38 in ROI. This figure proves how cost-effective email marketing could be for businesses, particularly smaller businesses with lower budgets.

3. Easy-to-measure


Measuring the result is the only method to check whether your digital marketing tactic works or not.

With the aid of email marketing analytics, your business can know which users checked your emails, if they clicked on any links, or if they did the expected action. Besides, you can get to know the number of people unsubscribing from your list after opening the email. This information is necessary when you analyze your digital marketing campaign and make changes for enhancement.

With the appropriate email software, you can even implement A/B tests, which lets you see which elements of your email messages generate excellent results. For example, you might test multiple subject lines to identify which prospects have higher open rates or perform various offers to recognize which offer impacts most conversions.

4. Easy-to-personalize


Statista’s report concludes that the open rate for personalized emails was 18.8%, while the figure for non-personalized emails was 13.1%.

Email marketing makes it super simple to personalize the messaging and content you send to subscribers. Capitalizing on data from your prospects and subscribers, you can work to create more personalized and relevant content that your recipients are inclined to enjoy and act on. Furthermore, you’ll show that you truly take care and understand your subscribers and their preferences once you start implementing some of the email list management best practices, including the personalized email content. In addition to giving your customers the impression that your content was created just for them, sending out personalized emails shows that you are thinking about the needs and interests of your audience.

For instance, you can take advantage of the customer’s name when sending your emails. HubSpot indicates that emails with the reader’s first name in the subject line generate much higher click-through rates compared to emails without the receiver’s name.

5. The automatic email marketing process

There are multiple digital marketing processes that can’t be set automatically. Nevertheless, email marketing does a good job when it comes to automation.

Automating your emails can help boost the relevance and timeliness of your strategies. You can utilize triggers and workflows to automatically deliver messages to customers after they take a particular action.

Let’s take an example; a customer goes to your site and spends time viewing various products and putting them to their shopping cart. Then, they exit without completing a purchase for no reason. It’s time for email automation to shine. With automatic emails, you can ensure that this visitor gets an email soon after they left their cart, mentioning what they left behind and asking if they need help finishing their purchase. In this case, email marketing automation turns a missed chance into a chance to reinforce a relationship and create a sale.

6. Much easier to reach mobile consumers

Reach mobile consumers
Reach mobile consumers

The number of customers using mobile devices every day keeps escalating. In fact, Statista estimates that there are more than 7 billion mobile phone users all over the world in 2023.

Hence, if businesses want to be competitive in the digital world, they have to seek a way to interact with mobile customers effectively. With 46% of emails being checked on tablets or smartphones, email marketing is such a fantastic tactic that businesses can approach and engage those customers using mobile devices.

Whenever a customer checks their phone, brands will have a fresh opportunity to reach out and interact with that customer. While some marketing tactics are just not designed for mobile engagement, email marketing opens numerous chances for businesses to convey their message to mobile users.

What is The Perfect Time to Send a Marketing Email?

The Perfect Time to Send a Marketing Email
The Perfect Time to Send a Marketing Email

Which day of the week should you send emails?

Now we’re going to show you some reliable studies that analyzed tons of emails to identify the best day during the week time to send out your emails.

The first study from AVADA demonstrated that the appropriate day to send promotional emails (like weekly newsletters) is Thursday, followed by Tuesday.

The Best Days for Orders
The Best Days for Orders

Their research primarily concentrates on the perfect time to send emails, whereas AVADA also showed that you should NOT send promotional emails on Monday and Saturday.

Sharing the same result with AVADA, GetResponse’s research claims that Tuesday is the ideal day to send your newsletter if you want to achieve high open rates.

Contrary to AVADA’s study, GetResponse finds out that Monday holds the second place when it refers to achieving high open rates.

GetResponse's research
GetResponse's research

While Saturday and Sunday seem to be the unfavorable days for email opens, the company’s research shows that the quality of emails sent during the weekend is considerably lower than the weekdays.

Like the two above studies, Campaign Monitor’s research gives the first place to Thursday and Tuesday. However, Campaign Monitors differentiates these two days according to conversion purposes. Thursday is the perfect day for getting high open rates, while Tuesday stands the first for high click-through rates.

Overall, Thursday and Tuesday are the two good days to send out advertising emails and weekly newsletters.

Nevertheless, it’s obvious that the day suitable for one metric doesn’t work for another. That’s the reason why the decision depends enormously on your conversion aims and the most crucial email marketing metrics.

Eventually, bear in mind that your competition also desires to take advantage of the peak times to send their emails. Don’t forget to test out various days to identify what works best for your recipients.

What’s the best time of the day to send emails?

The time of the day you send advertising emails can decide whether you create or break the relationship with your subscribers.

If you send your emails at the inappropriate time, your unsubscribe rates will escalate. When you can send them at the right time, you’ll turn subscribers into paying consumers and first-time purchasers into repeat buyers.

To discover the proper time for your emails, you’ll need to understand your buyer personas. You can answer the following questions for your audience:

  • What do they earn for a living?
  • How is their typical day?
  • What are their issues?
  • How can they address the issues with our products?
  • When and how can they see triggers that recall them of our items?

Answering all these questions, you can have a broader picture of your consumer’s daily routines and define appropriate points to infiltrate into their lives with the help of your marketing emails.

According to GetResponse, the highest click-to-open rates are 10 AM at 21%, 1 PM at 22.5%, and have witnessed an increase near 6 PM. The data reflects as most audiences start or finish their day and have much time to open their emails.

GetResponse's research
GetResponse's research

The highest line of the graph is the open rate. The middle line is the click-to-open rate. The lowest line is the click-through rate. The data shows the number of messages delivered in percent value.

If you want to determine the time to send your emails, it is important to keep your audience in mind. If your purchaser personas is a professional with a nice job, you should send emails during their downtimes.

If you want to add a sale or promotion in your emails, consider sending them during their break times, such as lunchtimes.

In addition to maintaining daily routines, it is useful to look at click-through rate, click-to-open rate, and open rate when you create emails.

Click-through rate

Click-through rate represents the number of people who enter a link or open a picture in an email. This number is normally smaller than the sum of opened emails because some people will enter your email but leave it behind without interacting with it.

Click-to-open rate

When it comes to comparing the number of individuals who enter your emails and the number that accessed any links, that data is known as click-to-open rate. This metric lets you define which information in your emails is essential to customers. To find click-to-open rate, let’s divide click-through rate by the open rate and multiply it by 100%. For instance, if your emails gain clicks and 150 opens, your click-to-open rate is 50%.

Open rate

The open rate is the percentage counted from the number of subscribers who had the email campaign opened. Emails with high open rates will have short, efficient subject lines. Furthermore, they’re improved for previews and preheader text.

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Have you had the answer for yourself?

With minor enhancements, you can create more catching email subject lines, interest more subscribers with storytelling, and generate higher-converting email CTAs.

Bear in mind that you should analyze your audience and implement A/B tests to see what works for them. Besides, remember to utilize these above data as a reference.

You can share your experience with timing emails in the comment section below. Thank you for reading!

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